Golf for a Cure
September 17, 2024
7:30-8:00 am Arrival
8:30 AM Shotgun Start
Crossgates Golf Club
1 Crossland Pass
Millersville, PA 17551
Thank you for registering to play in the Golf for a Cure golf outing. Please see below for important information regarding the tournament.
Please plan to arrive between 7:30-8:00 am.
All bags should be tagged.
Volunteers will be on hand to move bags from the parking lot to the carts.
Volunteers with clipboards will have your starting hole assignments.
Remember to bring CASH for the extra contests, raffles, silent auction, 50/50, Mulligans, Tee Buster, photos, etc.
RAFFLES, Mulligans, Contests, ETC.....
Raffle tickets will be available to purchase from 7:30 am to 8:25 am.
Buy your Raffle tickets BEFORE play begins.
Remember to drop your tickets in the basket PRIOR to golf
Raffle winners will be drawn while everyone is golfing
We've received some exciting donations this year for the raffle and silent auction!!​
50/50 tickets will be sold before the tournament and during lunch,
Silent Auction bids can be made prior to golf & during lunch
Mulligan & Sandy Package for your team will be available for purchase at the entrance to the pavilion.
4 Mulligans per team (1 per player)​
1 Sandy per team (1 for the team)
50/50 Hit the Green Contest - Hole #3 ($5 per person)
Straightest Drive - Hole #9 (Men & Women)
Closest to the Pin - Hole #17 (Men & Women)
Tee Buster - Hole #18 - Stop at the canopy on #18 to purchase for your Team ($20 per team)​
New This Year
​A Hole In One Contest!
Sponsored by Shoemaker & Besser
Hole in one on #3 - Charcoal Smoker
Hole in one on #6 - UHD Smart TV
Hole in one on #17 - Grand Prize of $10,000.
Mulligans will not be permitted on all contest holes.
Lunch & Awards
Lunch will be served following the tournament and will be catered by Trio Bar & Grill.
There will be 3 different flights with awards for each flight
Women's Teams​
Men's Teams
Mixed Teams
Winners will be announced during lunch.
Raffle prizes will be marked with the winner's names and will be available for pick up after the round.
This years speakers will be Suzanne Bradley a cancer survivor and Joe Sittapaldi, President A Week Away
After last year's Tournament Golf for a Cure donated $18,000+ to the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute. Thanks to everyone's generosity and with your help this year, we are hoping to surpass that donation amount.
Together we are making a difference!!
For further tournament updates please like and follow our Facebook page - Golf for a Cure Tournament
Crossgates Golf Club: Inclement Weather - each golfer will receive 1 free weekday round w/cart at Crossgates GC if the event is canceled by Crossgates Golf Club. Please note - the Luncheon and Raffle will still be held in the pavilion should we need to cancel the tournament.
Golf for a Cure is a Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation which has been granted tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and will register as a charitable organization under Pennsylvania law.