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      Register for Golf for a Cure                   September 17, 2024

The 2024 Golf For A Cure Scramble Registration is now FULL!  If you are still interested please complete the registration form an we will put your team on a waitlist.  We will notify you should a spot open up.  


Thank you to everyone who has registered!  We are looking forward to a fun day of golf, games and helping an incredible cause!  Hoping this will be our best GFAC!

Please note - Sponsorships are still available and we are currently accepting donations for prizes and our raffle.  Cash donations can be sent to Bev Herr, Treasurer - 45 Sunrise Terrace, Millersville, PA 17551.

Thank you for your support!

Together we are making a difference!


Cost $400.00 per team



Golf For A Cure now accepts payments thru Zelle from your online banking app.

In order to pay thru Zelle you will need to be enrolled on Zelle and you will need to add Golf For A Cure to your contact list, using our Treasurer - Bev Herr's email address -

1.  Once you have enrolled on Zelle and have added Golf For A Cure to your contact list go to your online banking app

2.  Choose "Send money with Zelle

3.  Select - From phone contacts

4.  Choose your Golf for a Cure Contact - click on Continue

5.  Input your dollar amount and click on review

6.  Verify who you are sending your money to and the dollar amount you are sending.

7.  Optional - you can list the people on you team under Reason or Note

8.  Once you are satisfied with your transaction click on Send

9.  You will receive a email or text confirming your transaction.

If paying by check please make checks payable to:

Golf For A Cure

Mail to:

Bev Herr, Treasurer

45 Sunset Ter

Millersville, PA 17551

Golf For A Cure is a Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation which has been granted tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the InternalRevenue Code and will register as a charitable organization under Pennsylvania law.

*Crosssgates Golf Club:  No Refunds - Inclement Weather - each golfer will receive 1 free weekday round w/cart at Crossgates GC if the eent is cancelled by Crossgates Golf Club

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